Sometimes life is messy and untidy, mountains of laundry await, dishes scattered all over the counter and busy little bees racing around the house without any clothes on. These are some of my day to day happenings I deal with embrace as a mom and if your one too, I know you can totally relate. With Leon’s we are launching a campaign sharing the idea of how a perfect home is less about a look and more about a feeling, #YourPerfect moment.
How do you sum up that perfect moment in your home?
As a stay-at-home mom, each day can get a little interesting to say the least but yet we still have the same daily happenings. Somedays I’ve got it all together, I even change out of my pj’s and apply makeup, other days I’m constantly picking up toys, sweeping up dirt, wiping dirty little hands and faces or tending to the never ending list of household chores. There’s always that one certain time of the day which is always the same; the feeling, the chaos, my happy, their happy… dinner time prep. For the past 3 1/2 years of being a mom, from the very beginning this time of day has never been smooth sailing; it’s been overwhelming, we’ve had meltdowns, spills, monkey climbing gone out of control and attached to the hip moments. I love cooking but I don’t have the patience to follow cook books or online recipes with the usual chaos going down. I usually look at a recipe and eye ball the ingredients; I swear our dinners taste good, just ask my husband… I’m the wing-it mama! But the thing is, I have my little guys hanging out and helping me while I prepare and cook dinner. It doesn’t matter what the boys are doing prior to dinner time, they sense the cue and there they are right beside me. They’ve got their little bodies all over the island, butter knives in one hand and a carrot in another, they help me cook and they absolutely LOVE it!
Why is this my perfect?
I’ve started to embrace this chaotic time of day… it’s messy but so are happy kids. Ever heard the saying “messy kids are the happiest!?”. Well, this is our not so perfect time together in the kitchen, making up new recipe concoctions and getting approval from my little taste testers. Our counters are full of dirty dishes and ingredients scatter the floor, but the house smells of deliciousness that we are about to devour when dad gets home. Once the door bell rings and dad walks through the door, I sigh in relief as I’m no longer out numbered- dad saves the day. The boys run to give dad a great big hug and chase him upstairs. It’s my time to finish up cooking dinner or clean up the mess while listening to the little giggles that whisp through our home. These are the times I reflect and think about how blessed I am to have my family surround me, how boring my life would be without them and all the messiness that comes with it. I feel as though I have purpose, to show and teach my kids about our traditions, how our family works together and important lessons they will someday pass on… like how to cook amazing meals for their wives *wink wink. Even if the boys turn our kitchen upside down, it’s still a perfect feeling of having them surround me wanting to help. I know someday these moments won’t always be there, so in the present midst of chaos, this is #MyPerfect.