Just over a month ago, we welcomed our sweet little 8 week old kitten, Rue, into the family. She’s a rescue kitty from the organization called Dog Speed Animal Rescue. She and her brother came from the streets of Quebec at only 4 weeks old to Ontario where they were fostered up until 8 weeks. Brent and I had been searching for a kitty for the boys (they LOVE cats) and when I came across Rue, I knew she would be the perfect fit. We decided that a cat was the right pet for us because they are much more independent than dogs, meaning we can leave her at home for the weekend and she’ll be okay as long as she has enough food and water. When we’ve been gone for a few days and when we return home, Rue always races over to the stairs to greet us. She’s one happy kitty and it feels pretty good coming home to a pet that’s been missing you!
Rue’s adoption photo- isn’t she so sweet!
Let me just say that I had NO IDEA cats had so much personality- I mean I grew up on a farm where dozens of cats existed, but it seems the second you domesticate one, they really shine with personality! Rue’s “about me” adoption description stated that she was very independent, shy and loved affection on her terms. When we first brought her home, we were told that she should be kept confined in a room for a few days until she warmed up to her new surroundings.
First day in, I let her roam the downstairs while I was busy setting up for a Leon’s project. *Note: the boys were at their grandparents for the weekend, so it was the perfect opportunity for her to warm up a day or so alone in her new home. After coming in and out our patio doors, I began wondering where Rue had went. I searched high and low, deep in our closets, under the beds, through the bushes in our backyard and even in the fridge.. any possible hiding spot, I thought I searched. After 45 minutes spent searching for her, I began to panic.. maybe it wasn’t meant to be? Maybe she’ll come back or maybe she vanished into thin air- do cats do that!? Who knows? But then I knew I couldn’t give up, cats don’t just disappear that easily. It was time to search every drawer in the house, starting in the kitchen. I started with the big grey cabinet I recently painted. Sure enough I opened the bottom drawer and scaring the crap out of me, there she was. Well done, Rue… winner of the best hiding spot award goes too… *rolls eyes* Rue.
When the boys came home, Rue was hiding under out bed, she was probably scared to death of all the ruckus two little human beings could make- I don’t blame her! She hid under the bed until the boys were in bed and then she would jump onto Brent and I’s bed and want some affection, after all she’s spent most of the day isolated under the bed or in the spare bedroom, hiding from the boys. It wasn’t until a few days later that the boys really got to introduce themselves. I found it best to do one-on-one with each boy and Rue in the spare room so she didn’t feel overwhelmed with terror of both boys, LOL. It wasn’t until week 2 1/2 – 3 that she began roaming the whole house. The first few weeks, she spent majority of the time upstairs and occasionally coming downstairs timidly, hiding at any sudden movement or loud noise. She began getting used to her rambunctious human playmates and now the three of them are all jumping off the walls.
In the beginning, I was worried that Rue would always be frightened, that she’d always keep her distance and maybe she was just an introverted cat, if that even exists? But boy oh boy, has she ever done a 360.
She’s constantly following us around the house, I can hardly go to the bathroom without her jumping on me. And when I’m making food, I’ve never heard a cat whine so much! She’s always racing around the house, beating us down the stairs and testing her limits with my plants. I’m not going to lie, she has killed one of my plants and sometimes I’ll catch her trying to eat the leaves from others. We have a jute rug in our living room and does she ever love the texture of it… Me: not so happy! She started using it as a cat scratcher. To put an end to her fun, I filled a spray bottle up with parts vinegar, lemon grass essential oil and water. A few times a day I spray the rug and sometimes my furniture (just in case) with this little “cat get lost” remedy! I have even put a few strips of clear tape across the rug because apparently the texture of the tape freaks out cats when they go to scratch- Anyone else have any cat scratching advice? Let’s hear it!! Oh and we bought her a cat scratching pole.
Our little Rue has lots of nicknames, I feel like were always nicknaming the kids every other week so Rue is no different. She’s sometimes referred to as Ruer, Rueskie, Ruie, Ruie lou, RuRue, Ruser, Ruker, you name it she’s been called it. If you follow the Hunger Games, you can bet we got her name from there. Sometimes Brent will do the good ol’ mockingjay bird call, funniest thing ever!
Welcome to our crazy house, little Rue.