We are days away from October and I cannot believe we will have had a month of school under our belts.
Jack started Grade 1 and Max started JK this year. It’s been quite the adjustment to have both boys in school, I never really imagined what it would be like to have both gone other than I would have some peace and quiet. But now that both boys are gone from 8am – 4pm every day, I’m missing my little home buddy, Max more than ever and our house is ridiculously quiet…
Max has been so excited to start school, he’s been waiting for this day for a very long time, basically since last year. He’s the type of kid that wants to be included in all the things that the big kids do! He’s always been the go-with-the-flow type and has never been hesitant to trying something new. Max says that when he grows up he wants to be a farmer and a doctor; I can already see him showing more of an interest to learn in a classroom environment. Also, we had a meet the teacher night and Max’s teacher showed us some of Max’s drawings and said she has never seen a kindergarten draw so much detail in a picture before. I love hearing what teachers say about our kids, it just gives us another perspective on who they are and how special our kids truly are!
Jack on the other hand, would prefer to stay home and do his own thing outdoors, he has to feel every situation out, he’s a talker and a social butterfly where he’s only at school for the social aspect and he’s friends with everyone in all the grades (I think that’s exactly how Brent was too). If he is learning something new, doing it hands on is more his technique. Jack still wants to be a farmer when he grows up; he’s always bringing his mini tractors to school and having tractor shows and what not with his little buddies.
Now that we have got back into our school groove, it feels so good to get a routine up and going again!
Here is a little peak inside our routine:
The boys usually wake up around 6:30am. They eat breakfast while I make their lunches. After breakfast we head upstairs to get dressed and brush our teeth. The boys have a few minutes for play time or some morning cartoons. Around 7:40 we head down the the bus stop and off to school they go!
Around 4pm the boys get off the bus, we walk home and they unpack their backpacks. The boys have an after school snack while I prep dinner. The boys play until dad gets home and dinner is ready. After dinner and clean-up, Brent or I will sit down and do school stuff with Jack. More play time. By 7pm the boys have a bath, pjs, eat a bedtime snack, brush teeth, sometimes a story, prayers and lights out by 8pm!
This is where our Endy mattress comes in handy!
[do you remember my post where I shared 100 nights with our Endy mattress? You can check the original post out here.]
Since the boys have started school and we are back into a routine again, it’s crazy to see the difference in their attitudes the next day. Over the summer, the boys were going to bed at various times, typically around 8:30pm and occasionally 9:30pm which is late for kids under 6! If Max was tired the next day, he would usually fall asleep during 2-3pm quiet time, where Jack would only fall asleep if we were driving somewhere far in the car. Somedays Jack would be miserable and give me so much sass, I swear he can be worse than a teenager! He is definitely the type of kid that needs a full nights sleep or else it affects his mood.
With school back, so is our routine and its been such a game changer for these boys!
They are sleeping SO good at night and we don’t hear them until 6:30am the next morning. It also helps that they each have their own beds and a pretty awesome mattress! I honestly cannot say enough good things about our Endy mattress—I would recommend it to any one, especially if you are transitioning your child out of a crib and into a new bed. This mattress is a little on the firm side because it is made out of memory foam, but I love that as the child grows the mattress forms to their bodies, is temperature relying and it doesn’t lose shape or warp down the centre like other mattresses we have owned in the past. I also love that you can unzip the mattress and wash the mattress liner, so if you have younglings that have had an accident occasionally, it isn’t a biggy (but still rely on a waterproof mattress pad ;)). As the boys have phased out of the toddler stage, we decided to get them their own doubles that they will grow into. With the durability of an Endy, these mattresses will probably be going off to college with those boys, (haha!) although I can’t even imagine my babies growing up, *que all the tears!
Brent and I are thinking about upgrading to a king, he’s 6’4 and well, we will have three little ones soon, sooooo we mostly likely are going to run out of cuddling room on our queen! The Endy is definitely a mattress perfect for any couple, child or family because of its balanced comfort and motion transfer which prevents others from rolling towards the center of the bed causing that middle gape you see in older mattresses. Overall, I don’t know how many times I have recommended this mattress, but this company is one that I truly believe in (and they are Canadian!). Also, a mattress is something you want to invest a little research and money into to make sure that you are getting the best sleep possible!
Are you in need of a new mattress? If so, would you try an Endy?