Now that Spring is finally (hallelujah) here and Easter is just around the corner, its time to whip up those crafts you have always wanted to do. Last year I bought a bag full of styrofoam eggs with the intentions of creating something with them, but I had to idea what to do with a styrofoam egg. Fast forward to this year- lately I have been playing with paper mache and that’s when the idea came to me…
How to make Paper Mache Eggs
To make paper mache paste I used: 1 cup water 1/2 cup flour.
Combine the two ingredients with a whisk in a pot. Set on stove at medium heat, make sure to stir while paste heats up. Once ingredients come to a boil, take off heat, stir and let cool. If you find its a little thick, stir in more water.
*Tip: add a little bit of salt to the mixture, this will help to preserve the paper mache.
These styrofoam eggs were purchased at the dollar store.
Use some pretty paper to mache those eggs!
Make sure to rip the paper up into small squares before dipping into paper mache paste, it will be easier to smooth the creases. Make sure to roll eggs so that the whole diameter of the egg dries. Let dry overnight.
The finished product!