Its a very melancholy feeling sometimes, I don’t know if this will be my last baby and because Max is growing up much quicker then I had ever imagined. I remember thinking back one year ago before Max was born to the questions “what is it going to be like with two kids” and “can I love one baby as much as the other”. Jack was always my baby and sometimes the thought of him not being my only one anymore was a little scary. When Jack met Max for the first time in the hospital, that’s when it really hit me – not only did I have a toddler, but I have a brand new little human being… how am I going to do this? Once we finally came home and were settled, Max fit right in and the adjustment with two kids was really good, the boys really balance each other out. I have to say that as Max gets older, watching the boys play and interact is the sweetest. These two are quite the pair!!
Age: 12 months
Stats: Weigh’s 25.9 lbs and 31 1/2″ tall (95th percentile for both weight and height), 2 little teeth.
Words: Mum mum, Uh-Ohh.
Favourite Foods: Raspberries, bananas, eggs, crackers, yogurt, mac n cheese, meat, this guy can pack the food away!
Favourite Activities: Taking everything out of the drawers and cupboards, he basically reorganizes my pots, pans and tupperware. Bath time, playing in the dishwasher, the outdoors, wagon rides to the park, digging in the sand. Playing with big bro, even if it means fighting over a toy. Max loves throwing and catching a ball, he likes to jibber jabber to music and swing his head around!
Favourite Things: Max is inseparable from his blanket his Grandma knitted for him and he loves sleeping on his belly while rubbing his blanket. Cups, TV remotes, phones, anything he’s not allowed to play with!
Least Favourite Things: Diaper changes, its a constant battle and sometimes it doesn’t end well for either of us! Vacuums, lawnmowers and Jack’s crazy driving.
Max is such a funny little dude, and it’s so fun to watch him grow into his personality and to see some similarities and differences between the two boys. Max has always been a little more go with the flow but that is probably because he’s got a grumpy older brother to deal with at times. Max loves to be included in any activity Jack is doing, if Jack is outside, Max is right behind him- this boy is always go go go! Max has the sweetest baby curls and some mean thunder thighs, he’s always giving out smiles but he’s got a little temper that flares up when he’s been told ‘No’ to many times. Max loves when his daddy comes home from work, as soon as Brent walks in the door, Jack runs over and behind him is Max holding and squeezing his hands because he wants daddy to pick him up. Both boys race dad upstairs and they kick off the evening with a wrestling match. Because Jack is the classic older brother, Max is stuck playing the crocodile, dinosaur, and raccoon character that Jack likes to run and hide from, Max is cool with it as long as he’s getting attention from Jack ;). The ladies at the gym recently told me that they started moving all the kids snacks up onto a higher level. They said Max will climb onto the kid size picnic tables and proceed to eat all the other kid’s snacks, what a little ham!
The baby stages are coming to a bitter-sweet end and Max has hit a major growth-sprut (from all the sunshine and warm weather), he’s almost in the same size clothing as Jack. I can’t help but look at my two boys and think “wow, when did you guys get so big”. It’s a feeling I am trying to write, but I can’t quite get it out the way I would like. Maybe it’s just an overwhelming feeling of happiness and sadness. The more I think about it, life is about stages and we may be moving past the baby stage of our life, for now… who knows. But it’s all so great because we have so much to look forward to together. This summer, these boys are going to be full of sunshine and smiles, water and sandy bums, suntans and long days. Max is really going to enjoy being a big one year old :)
We love you Max!!!