It’s almost Christmas and I’m sitting here wondering where the heck the time has gone!? I know, I know, I probably always say that, you probably wonder the same yourself, but sometimes we all get caught up in life and don’t really realize where we are in life until we enter into another year.
I’m going to be honest, these days have been tough…
My house some how is a flipping mess 24/7, laundry feels like a never-ending tunnel, meal prep has never felt so time-consuming and wine never looked SO good! Lets not forget to mention the boys. They are wonderful, better than ever, but more demanding than ever.
Since Jack has started school, we have seen him grow up immaculately before our eyes. His teachers have shared how soft-spoken he is, how he enjoys playing with everyone in his class and how wonderful of a listener he is. All I can say is that something Brent and I have been doing is working! We have our fingers crossed that he will continue to be that sweet boy in school :). At home, it’s a different story, Jack and Max flight like siblings and maybe you’ve seen my instastory where Jack kicked Max in the face? #welcometomyworld. But brothers will be brothers. Jack also puts himself to bed every night, usually 7pm (if he makes it to 7)- school really kicks his butt! Overall, school has been so good for this kid! He’s the type of kid that sticks close and gets a little nervous in new situations. Once he warms up, he’s such a goof ball with a million and 1 things to say.
Max, he’s almost three and I’m beginning to believe 3 is going to be worse than 2. He’s stubborn in every single way possible. This whole mom/parenting thing has become so exhausting. I feel like giving up and just laying in bed because trying to fight and win with a two almost 3-year-old is frustrating beyond frustrating. That is when I’m so thankful I’m not alone in this whole parenting gig. If Max doesn’t “like” me at that moment, then he must “like” dad, right!? Max is a sweet boy nonetheless, he’s got the most charming little smile that wins you over in a second. He usually isn’t mad or grumpy for long. He’s independent and not afraid to try something new. Oh, and he’s got a huge crush on Peppa Pig ;)
Some of this may sound “you don’t have it that bad”, but this is me, my struggles with my kids, I can feel this way if I wish- it’s life and who’s perfect anyhow? There will be lots of good times and lots of bad times. Sometimes we all get a little frustrated and that’s when we need little reminders that “you got this” and “it won’t be like this forever”, children are life’s greatest blessing!
Another interesting topic that has been on my mind is: consumption. At our church we have been learning a series about consumption in our world. How consumption has been engrained into our lives from an early age and it’s reason why our economy is striving. It’s really become a huge eye opener for Brent and I, how much we really accumulate and how little we really need. I heard a quote saying that “if America didn’t celebrate Christmas our economy would crash.” It’s crazy to that could actually happen, but it wouldn’t because we as North Americans enjoy consuming things. So this year, it’s going to be my goal to live more minimal and simplistic, I know I have set this goal before and slowly we are starting to organize and purge things we don’t necessarily need! At the end of the day, God gave us the ability to work and to buy things for us to enjoy, but he didn’t give these things for us to idolize.
As 2016 is coming to an end, I’m so grateful for watching my blonde boys grow, learn and experience new adventures. For life’s challenges. For growing in my faith. For the people I have met and connected with. For the relationships that have evolved. For the lessons learned and for the upcoming chapters ahead!
Loved this post, new to your site and I so agree that we are in an age where consumption is at an all time high, Over the last year i’ve been trying to declutter and minimize how much I have myself. There’s a technique (can’t remember the name) but you hold an item and if it doesn’t bring you joy within a a certain number of seconds, then you donate it or get rid of it.
That sounds like such a cool technique! Thanks for sharing Nicole :)
your boys are so cute!! you’re blog is amazing! :)
Thanks girl :)
Love the site! I’ve come to only want to bring things into my home that I absolutely love! Somehow, I unintentionally became a minimalist in many ways. Good luck and enjoy your boys and stay grateful for the challenges and the lessons learned!
Aw thanks Christine :) Your sweet words mean so much! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Thanks for sharing this! I love the goal of becoming more minimalist. Now I have the urge to go through everything we don’t need!
Right!? I always get that urge, ahhh, lol!