Since the craziness of December, we are enjoying the peace and quiet at home… well nothing is ever really peaceful nor quiet in a household with 3 boys, husband included. But things have slowed down and we are in organize everything mode. Do you ever notice all the wonderful organization products stores stock on their shelves at the beginning of the new year? I do! It’s really refreshing and motivating when organizing products are super cute and colourful. It reminds me of the season spring, and all the cleaning I get to look forward too…
A little Jack and Max Update
Jack. I made some goals for Jack and myself this year. Jack has a bad case of the binky (he is addicted to his soother). We were succeeding with the binky removal but then all of a sudden something happened and here we were, back to square one. The other day, I finally found enough courage… I snipped the top of Jacks bink off, no looking back. He got very worked up and said it was broken, then he started looking for the top half because he wanted to tape it back together… It was the saddest thing. He went to bed without his binky surprisingly better then I had ever imagined, we just substituted his binky for elephant stuffy’s! He woke up during the night so I had to lay with him to help sooth him back to sleep- since his binky was broken he just held it in his hand. The next day was another story, the morning was great, but right around nap time it was a sh*tshow… there was no nap, just a very angry little boy trying to rip all of his clothing off because he didn’t know what else to do with himself. Finally after a few hours of screaming, the fire alarms in our house simultaneously went off, and he forgot all about his bink *phew! Honestly, I feel like the older they get the harder it is to break them of certain habits- I guess I should have nipped this one in the butt sooner *insert hands over face. I always said I wouldn’t be that mom that allows her 3 year old to walk around in public with a binky in their mouth (we used to keep ours in the cup holder of the car). So we hide all binkys in the house, and little Max cannot have one unless its his nap time or else Jack steals it. On to the next goal, I know most parents say not to push your toddlers into potty training and that its really a teamwork effort… so I’m just waiting for my little partner (Jack) to hurry up and join the potty trained club. It’s a little frustrating when your toddler understands exactly what poop and pee and the whole toilet training concept is, and the fact that he says “go away mommy, go downstairs” while he is ‘busy’ doing something in his room in his diaper. I just don’t know if Jack will one day say yes to the potty and do it or if it’s something I need to slowly lure him into without pushing him to much… I have been reassured he won’t go off to college in diapers! OR maybe I’ll kill two birds with one stone and have both Jack and Max potty training at the same time, haha, that is the theory my dad has shared with me.
Other then the two milestones listed above, this boy is learning so much everyday. Jack’s memory is so sharp, its getting difficult to trick this two year old! I am kind of happy that Jack now has the attention span to watch a cartoon show (or two) on TV. The reason I enjoy this about Jack’s age is because I cant get certain things done and I know exactly where and what he is doing for at least 30ish minutes… it gives me a much needed break at times! Slowly Jack is starting to include Max in playtime, Jack will hand Max a toy and then grab it back and Max doesn’t care as long as Jack is paying attention to him! Some of the stuff Jack comes up with give’s me a few chuckles… The other day we were eating lunch, and where Jack sit’s at the table he is facing the window and sometimes it can get really bright from the sun. So Jack is sitting in his seat and he say’s “I need my glasses,” he hops off his chair and runs to the drawer and pulls out his sunglasses, casually sits back down, puts them on and continues eating his lunch- what a guy! We always say I love you Jack and he always respond’s ” I love you sooooooo much!” it’s really the sweetest thing :)
Of course he’s climbing into Max’s crib… I live with a fearless little monkey.
These two always spend bath time together, no matter what.
Max. How is this boy 9 months old! Slow down slow down. He keeps growing like a weed, maybe because this boy can pack the food away and insists on feeding himself. You should see his reaction when I am about to hand him a crispy mini… his eyes light up, he sticks his tongue out and his hands start shaking, he is so excited! I could go on for hours about all the funny stuff these boy’s do!! Max is now ON THE MOVE and I’m on the look out. I basically can’t leave him unattended in certain areas or else he’s trying to attack my coffee on the coffee table, or he’s going after my nicely folded laundry. Max is also going from the laying down position, sideways, to sitting up – He honestly looks like a brake dancer in slow motion the way he rotates his body- its pretty entertaining! It’s only a matter of time until he is standing, walking, running and getting into just as much as Jack get’s into… then I’m really going to need another set of eyes, or turbo legs. Max is almost sleeping through the night, hallelujah. He wakes up at least once (early am), and I either have to give him his binky, or since he has been a little sick with a cold I rock him back to sleep. The lesson I have learned is that once they reach a certain age, for me I’m comfortable with around 6 months, then it’s time to cut them from their night feedings. It’s hard but to keep my sanity, I don’t want to be sleep deprived 24/7. For Jack, night feedings became a habit but he has always been the type of kid to snack on food and drinks… Really it comes down to each individual kid. Max has become so aware of everything lately, anytime I pull out my iphone around him he want’s it- he just loves playing with it and trying to eat it, obviously! Max loves playing ‘hide under the blankets’ with Jack and daddy. Every night when Brent comes home from work he grabs the kids and they hide in Jack’s bed, peeking for monsters or dinosaurs! The odd time I sneak up and give them all a little scare ;). Max still has no teeth, and I thought maybe Santa would give him some due to the on and off teething around here… still nothing but a toothless grin. At Max’s 9 month check up he weighed 25lbs and is 30 inches long. His build is the complete opposite of Jack’s, while skinny’s were the only pants to fit Jack, Max can’t even fit into 18-24 month skinny’s. I thought that was one of the pro’s to having two boys… but thats okay, I love how different these two little characters are :)
Max chilling turns into s l o w m o t i o n breakdancing.
Life Lately. So the beginning of January, we all kind of fell into a slump in our household *winter blues maybe? Literally I become a bear in hibernation during the winter season. I don’t want to go anywhere in the freezing cold, and when the roads are to bad to drive, the whole winter thing become’s a drag. AND to top it all off, we all get sick. I was sick and run down from the kid’s being sick the last few weeks, so I didn’t accomplish much other then getting the kids out of their pj’s for the day. But I am happy to say that after the help of my mom and a few rested days, I’m feeling a little more motivated again! I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to on here, but I plan to pick up the pace soon! Lately, I have been planning and doing a few semi big project’s. I am really excited to share them, and I plan to give a few sneak peeks along the way!
Here is a little DIY I have been working on.
What are some other things you would like to see on here? Feedback is appreciated :)
Hope you are all enjoying your winter!
Your boys are just adorable! I love their pictures together!
Aw thank you! They are the funniest little guys :)
Your sons are adorable.
Thanks :) I agree