These days, my fall outfits usually consist of jeans, boots, and a knit sweater. When I came across these flare jeans from Joe Fresh, I knew they would be a great alternative to my usual skinnies. Yep, flare jeans are back! And they have been for awhile, so I guess I’m a little late to jump on the band wagon. I remember going to Grade 8 dances wearing my flares with a pair of pink running shoes and a cute tank (embarrassing fashion memories I might add)… and when skinnies became the new thing in high school, we all thought they looked kinda funny — now they are probably the most popular jeans on the market! I love how styles come and go and I feel as if we are able to wear a larger variation of styles throughout past decades.
I also want to give a special shout out to this amazing Canadian company, SHE IS clothing. SHE IS empowers women to be strong, purposeful and honorable! Their purpose is to speak true strength into the lives of people around the world. What better way to do so in adorable and comfortable clothing. The black foil tank I’m wearing says “Elle est forte” meaning “She is strong”. The meaning behind this brand is such a great reminder to live our lives with purpose. “She is clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future” Proverbs 31:25. This is a beautiful and empowering message. As women of all ages, this verse shares God’s purpose for us. To me this means we can’t help but sometimes fear for what the future holds, just as much as we are excited, we are nervous and anxious of the unknown. We need to remember to be confident in God and the plan he has for us!
Flares | Tank | Knit, similar here| Boots | Hat, similar here
Laughing because its 0 degrees out (uhhh), my husband is literally 100 times more natural and photogenic in front of the camera then I am, and I’m trying to take advice from him…
“This is how it’s done, honey”
So, would you give flares a go!? What would you pair them with? Be sure to check out SHE IS for more adorable items.
You and I totally have similar fall styles. T-shirt and a sweater!
You are too adorable.
Yes :) so simple to just throw on, especially when your chasing kids all day!
Love the laughing pic! Just came across your blog! Love it! Have a great week! xo-Wendie
Haha Thanks Wendie! My husband is quite the character!
Nice outfit! I love everything :)
Thanks Erica :)
Very nice Kassie… I thought Brent must be he photographer by the smiles… he he! Love the jeans and the higher waist..
Your blogs are fantastic with lots of details right down to the photos. Keep them coming my creative talented and very beautiful daughter😘💚💛
Ooh super cute outfit and these are some great shots!!
Thanks Lindsay, I’ll have to let my husband know he’s a good photographer too, haha! :)
Love how cozy that sweater is and your husband’s pose is on point!
Thanks Chelsea :) Haha yeah, I must agree!