Hot days, sand boxes, toy sticks and lawnmowers, tractors and wagons, wacky sprinklers, mud covered bodies, teepees, overalls and suspenders, ice cream and berry picking, it’s endless amounts of fun with your BFF and your bro. It’s called summer bliss, we love it and will miss it…
It has been a wild summer over here with all of the above and a few meltdowns along the way. We have our battles and nothing is as easy as it seems, well maybe if it consists of ice cream bribery (we now have freezer locks, by the way). The boys have enjoyed much of summer with their Grams and Papas, cousins, and plenty adventures outdoors.
We will miss teepee parties in the backyard consisting of lots of smiles and giggles. The boys dress up and Jack wears his favourite outfit, overalls and sometimes a plaid shirt. Max takes over the sandbox while Jack mows the lawn and I snap photos along the way!
And when you gotta go, you gotta go …
Our days are never dull and I am usually cleaning up 1 million and 1 messes or amused at what these boys do and say. I wouldn’t have it any other way. To a summer full of love and joy with my little boy tribe, you were a blast!
Sweet boys, they are so adorable! My son does the same thing when he has to go potty and he’s outside, sometimes will just turn around and he’ll be standing there with his drawers dropped! Lol. :-)