
Hello & Welcome!
I’m Kass, a country girl born and raised in a quaint little area known as Bruce County in Ontario, Canada. With a love for the outdoors and two little farm boys in tow, we are currently in the mist of building our dream home on the outskirts of Waterloo, ON.
You can follow our building journey here.
With a background in Visual Merchandising + a very detailed eye, I live a slow fast-paced life at home as a mom and wife. Not only do I spend my days chasing muddy little rugrats, I created this blog to share my inspirations, latest DIY projects, my passion for home design + documenting the adventures of motherhood with my guys. This is a place to call my own and to hopefully inspire you along our journey as well.
You best bet you can find me at home sipping on multiple cups of coffee, drowning in laundry, day dreaming up new design ideas and attempting one too many DIYs for our home. We love pizza Fridays, hot summer days + weekends spent in our PJs, although, that doesn’t happen enough ;)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by!